At the Florida Drikung Dzogchen Community, the following teachings from the ten-stage cycle have been given:
- Yangzab ngondro
- Yangzab Three Roots (long and short sadhanas; unelaborated sadhana)
- Chod: The Chod that Bestows the Rainbow Body and The Magical Net of Samantabhadra.
- Yangzab Dharmapalas
- Urgyen Kaldren Drenzey (with Thubten Nyingpo Rinpoche)
Future teachings for the next six stages include the following (not necessary in this order):
- Dundrol Gyalpo, the "King Who Subdues Maras"
- Lama Tsewa Zinpa (a secret practice)
- Dorje Drollo (very secret inner guru practice)
- Chenrezig (outer, inner, and secret)
- Amitabha (outer, inner, and secret)
- Hayagriva (outer, inner, and secret)
- Five Deity Vajravarahi (outer, inner, and secret)
- Tummo
- Luminosity (Clear Light)
- Dream Yoga
- Yeshe Santal, "Unimpeded Wisdom", phowa
- Zhitro (outer, inner and secret)
- Dzog Rim (perfection stage) with and without signs
- Khorde Rushan,
- Kadak Trekcho (Primordial Purity)
- Lhundrub Thogal (Spontaneous Presence)
- Long life, Protectors, and Wealth practice (Vaishravana)
These teachings will be bundled accordingly to fit the time constraints of the tours and the needs of the International Drikung Dzogchen Communities-- and to fit within the additional constraint of what has been translated by the Drikung Dzogchen Translation Project.